
The official Docker environment for Gishiki can be found on DockerHub.

This Docker image is derived from php:7.1-apache (more info here), the purpose of that image is to be able to deploy an application based on Gishiki on every environment with a few minutes of work.


You have to pull the base image, create a container and execute that container.

This can be done with the following command line arguments:

docker pull neroreflex/gishiki
docker run -d -p 80:80 --name gishiki-app -v "$PWD":/var/www/html neroreflex/gishiki

The first command pull the base image.

The second command performs multiple operations: - create the container from the gishiki image - symlink the current directory with the documentRoot directory inside the container - bind the port 80 inside the container to the host port 80 - run the apache service

You can change port by issuing the following command:

docker run -d -p 80:8081 --name gishiki-app -v "$PWD":/var/www/html neroreflex/gishiki

When the container is ready you can run composer and finalize the container:

docker exec -i -t gishiki-app /bin/bash
composer install --no-dev


As Gishiki can speedup configuration loading using memcached you should really deploy a memcached container and link it with the application one:

docker run -d --name gishiki-cache -d memcached
docker run -d -p 80:8081 --name gishiki-app -v "$PWD":/var/www/html --link gishiki-cache:cachelink neroreflex/gishiki


The vast majority of applications, services and websites need a place to store data, usually that place is a database.

I suggest you to use the PostgreSQL image, or the MySQL one, when pgsql cannot be used.

Provided you have a database container running, and that container is called "database-container" you can link the application container with that database container:

docker run -d -p 80:8081 --name gishiki-app -v "$PWD":/var/www/html --link database-container:dblink neroreflex/gishiki

Edit & Save

You can use the container shell in order to prepare and personalize your container:

docker exec -i -t gishiki-app /bin/bash

When you are done remember to create a container out of your customized environment and push it to DockerHub (create a new repository before, in this example my_image):

docker commit gishiki-app customized_gishiki_img

export DOCKER_ID_USER="username"
docker login #login to dockerhub
docker tag customized_gishiki_img $DOCKER_ID_USER/my_image
docker push $DOCKER_ID_USER/my_image

You can find a tutorial here.

Final Notes

The Gishiki image deploy everything is needed to run the gishiki framework: - PHP (obviously) - PDO drivers (for database access) - Memcached (faster framework execution when used) - XDebug (remotely debug your application)

WARNING: XDebug is a powerful extension but when leaved on in a release environment is to be considered a security breach: make sure to fine-tune your own environment!